Uriah Ward (he/him) is an educator, a community organizer and an East-Sider. He believes that every child deserves a quality education that prepares them for the world as it is and gives them the tools they need to build the world as it should be. He knows how important it is for schools to be safe and nurturing places for children to learn and grow. He also knows how important it is to support the educators who work directly with our students so they can focus on meeting student needs and cultivating a productive learning environment. He knows how important our local School Board is for the wellbeing of our students and all of Saint Paul, and is honored to serve as one of your School Board Members.
In 2015, Uriah became a teacher. He taught middle school Social Studies at a public school where he served as the Social Studies Department Chair, was the advisor for the Student Government Association, and coached the chess team. He has worked as a student financial aid counselor and as an adjunct political science professor. He currently works as a labor union organizer and is earning a doctoral degree in Public Administration, focusing his research on School Boards and School Board Governance.
Uriah has always sought out ways to engage with his community and advocate for progressive change. He previously served as a Democratic Party leader in several capacities and organized a union in his workplace. He was an organizer on the successful Vote Yes for St. Paul Kids campaign in 2018, which secured approximately 18.6 million dollars a year for 10 years for Saint Paul Public Schools. He was elected to the Saint Paul School Board in 2021 and has been an effective voice for positive change.
Uriah lives on the East Side of Saint Paul with his wife, Ashley, his son, Orren, and their dog, Hamilton. In his free time he enjoys traveling with family, playing korfball as a member of Team USA, and playing D&D with friends.